Fifty-three people in Alberta have now recovered from COVID-19

The latest numbers released by the province Saturday afternoon put the number of people in Alberta who have now recovered from COVID-19 at 53.

The province reported 79 more people were diagnosed with COVID-19 over the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of Albertans infected to 621.

There are 378 people in the Calgary zone confirmed to have COVID-19, 139 people in the Edmonton zone, 48 people in the Central zone, 43 people in the North zone and 12 people in the South zone. One case is in a zone that has yet to be confirmed.

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In total, 38 people have been hospitalized, with 12 admitted to intensive care. Two people have died.

The province stated Saturday it suspects up to 54 cases were due to community transmission. Twenty cases involve staff and residents of continuing care facilities, including 15 at McKenzie Towne Long Term Care, one case at Rosedale on the Park and four at Shepherd's Care Kensington Village.


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