Village in eastern Alberta tops Canada’s coldest places

As of the morning of Jan. 19, Myrnam is the coldest place in both Alberta and Canada at -41.1C.

LAKELAND – With temperatures plunging overnight, Environment Canada reports that extreme cold wind chill values near -40 will continue throughout the morning in most of the Lakeland area. 

Currently, the coldest place in both Alberta and Canada is Myrnam, which is recording a temperature of –41.1C, according to the national weather network. 

Environment Canada recommends people dress warmly, “Dress in layers that you can remove if you get too warm. The outer layer should be wind resistant.” 

An extreme weather warning released by the Government of Canada reinforces that “Extreme cold puts everyone at risk... If it's too cold for you to stay outside, it's too cold for your pet to stay outside.” 

Extreme cold warnings are issued when very cold temperatures or wind chill create an elevated risk to health such as frostbite and hypothermia. 

Conditions are expected to warm slightly by this afternoon. However, the extreme cold temperatures have sparked school bus cancellations across the region and beyond. 

While classes resume as normal, most bus routes were cancelled Wednesday morning.  

Some school divisions have stated that afternoon routes may run as scheduled.  

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