Kudos to BCHS students for delivering a message that needed to be heard

Two weeks ago Heidi Peters, a member of Canada’s sitting volleyball team, told Barrhead Composite High School (BCHS) students, “It only matters what you think about yourself.”

Her statement was made in reference to how as a teen and a young adult she suffered from low self-esteem in large part because of how she perceived the way others viewed her.

Luckily for Peters, she eventually realized that the only person’s view that really mattered was her own and that she like every other human being has something inside him or her that is special and unique to contribute to the world.

It was only after that she came to that realization that she was able to begin the work necessary to love herself and become comfortable in her own skin.

Unfortunately, not everyone is able to come to that realization and the result can be truly tragic. Having chronic low self-esteem often leads to a myriad of other mental health and societal issues.

That is why I have been an adamant supporter of the Gay-Straight-Alliances. Life is hard enough at the best of times.  I know it is for me and  I am not the target of the same kind hatred, bullying, and discrimination that other groups, such as the LGTBQ community often have to face on a daily basis.

If being part of a club with other like-minded students that are guided by caring and educated staff in an effort to foster acceptance and inclusion of everyone helps students feel safe enough to be who they are then I’m all for it.

The school’s GSA is also helping students who aren’t part of the LGTBQ community become comfortable in their own skin by hosting various events throughout the school year.

The latest being Pride Day. The event is modeled after a long-running family-friendly LTGBQ event in St. Albert. In BCHS’ version, mostly during their lunch break, students had the opportunity to take part in a series of fun activities, designed to remind students to take pride in themselves and be proud of who they are because they are unique individuals who have something special to contribute to the world.

It is a wonderful sentiment and I think it is something that everyone, regardless of age, ethnic or cultural background, or sexual identity needs to hear and kudos to BCHS’ GSA and all the other students and staff who helped deliver the message.

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