Lasting legacy

Mayor Ralph Leriger calls them “community champions.”

And throughout its existence the Westlock area has been fortunate to have hundreds of these men and women help build and shape the community — men like Rainbow for the Future founder Leo Seguin who passed away last week.

But as time marches on more of these “champions” are lost. Will the people of Westlock 50 years from now even remember them?

Some, like doctor Georges L. Whissell, have been memorialized with a downtown park that bears his name. The same goes for Chuck Keller and Keller Field, or Eleanor Hall, whose name adorns Clyde school and Richard Staples, the namesake of R.F. Staples School.

But there are countless others, living and deceased, who have made incredible contributions to our community. Think about the people who have made a difference and it won’t take long to amass a huge list.

It’s high time we figured out a way to celebrate them and their deeds in a lasting way.

We need a Westlock and Area Hall of Fame.

Admittance to the hall wouldn’t be based on whether they grew up in Southview, or on a farm near Pibroch.

It would be determined by what they did.

We’re far from having a definite proposal, but certainly have some talking points to at least get the ball rolling.

Three people could be enshrined yearly with plaques featuring a write up. The plaques could in turn be circulated to community venues like the library, hospital and schools throughout the year before residing at the Rotary Spirit Centre for all to see. More detailed write ups could even end up online, or incorporated into an actual printed book.

From where we sit this could be a joint town/county/village venture. Start with the politicians and bring in a smattering of residents to fill out a committee. Ask the community to nominate their champions, but let the committee decide, with the understanding that not every worthy candidate will get in the first year.

Philosopher, essayist, poet, and novelist George Santayana sums it up perfectly: “To know your future you must know your past.”

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