Reader becoming disillusioned with Alberta politics

Dear Editor,

Politics in Alberta is becoming a joke…

We had P.C.’s in power for many years. There was a need for change. I’m not afraid, you have to change your socks once in a while, or you will lose some friends.

P.C.’s were good for many years, but anyone could see they were out of control. Bureaucrats were running the province. I supported them for many years.

Then the Wildrose came along. I felt this was a chance for change. I spent many hours helping them get started.

Danielle (Smith) got blinded with promises and defected and went to the P.C.’s. Two Federal politicians came along to take over the party. Redford and Prentice, all they were looking for was another pension from the Albertans. They destroyed the P.C. party.

Then here comes Kenny and Jean, two Federal politicians? To form a new party. In a marriage, this will fail.

I am confident Albertans will teach them a lesson at the next election. I never voted N.D.P. before, but with Rachel as Premier, I may give her my vote.

Joe Smith


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