Town Talk LIVE! with Mayor Colleen Powell - Jan. 20, 2021

In our latest edition of Town Talk LIVE! we spoke with Mayor Colleen Powell about what is going on in and around the the Town of Athabasca. Topics include the Muskeg Creek Trails, the new energy manager, the Athabasca Native Friendship Centre MAT program, several things about the community of Amber Valley, the Old Man Brewhouse, Intermunicipal Development Plans (IDP) with Athabasca County, elections, the Canada census and more!

NOTE: The start of the video is missing due to technical error and starts with the energy manager; there is not a lot missing other than opening greetings and about 30 seconds of discussion on that subject.

Town Talk LIVE! takes place after the second Town of Athabasca council meeting which are held on the first and third Tuesdays of every month.

If you have questions for the mayor you can email them to or tune in LIVE! Watch our Facebook page for notice of the event.

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