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Mina Kerr-Lazenby, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Mina Kerr-Lazenby, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Mina Kerr-Lazenby is a Local Journalism Initiative Reporter for the North Shore News who covers Indigenous matters and civic affairs.

Mina writes and researches stories that recognize the history, culture and traditions of First Nations communities, in particular the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation) and Tsleil-Waututh Nation, who reside here on the North Shore.

As a big believer in "a person can be two things at once," Mina is just as invested in the hard news as she is the arts, pop culture, and the odd stuff, and so welcomes tips and questions on the whole gamut.

[email protected]

Recent Work by Mina

For Better or For Worse comic artist Lynn Johnston ventures into kids books

For Better or For Worse comic artist Lynn Johnston ventures into kids books

Famed North Vancouver cartoonist Lynn Johnston’s new series of kids books follow the adventures of 9-year-old Timothy Bot
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