List of Alberta parks government plans to fully or partially close

EDMONTON — The Alberta government says it is planning full or partial closures of 20 parks as part of changes to save money and "optimize" the provincial parks system. Here is the list:

Full Closures:

Kehiwin Provincial Recreation Area near St. Paul

Running Lake Provincial Recreation Area north of Worsley

Stoney Lake Provincial Recreation Area north of Fairview

Little Fish Lake Provincial Recreation Area east of Drumheller

Crow Lake Provincial Recreation Area south of Fort McMurray

Bleriot Ferry Provincial Recreation Area north of Drumheller

Green Valley Provincial Park east of Peace River

Twin Lake Provincial Recreation Area north of Manning

Sheep Creek Provincial Recreation Area north of Grande Cache

Partial Closures:

Bow Valley Provincial Park west of Calgary

Gooseberry Provincial Recreation Area west of Bragg Creek

Gooseberry Lake Provincial Park north of Consort

Sulphur Lake Provincial Recreation Area north of Peace River

Engstrom Lake Provincial Recreation Area south of Fort McMurray

Chain Lakes Provincial Recreation Area north of Athabasca

Lawrence Lake Provincial Recreation Area north of Athabasca

Dry Island Buffalo Jump Provincial Park southeast of Red Deer

Notikewin Provincial Park north of Manning

Smoky River South Provincial Recreation Area west of Grande Cache

Dinosaur Provincial Park northeast of Brooks

Source: Alberta Environment and Parks

The Canadian Press

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