A first time for everything

In less than a month, we will cast our vote for the next mayor of Barrhead, as well as for those running for the few remaining councillor positions not filled through acclaimation.

This will be my first municipal election as a resident and reporter.

In a way, I’m excited because it is a novel experience for me but in another, I am a little sad to have gotten to know some people only to have them either step down or face a challenger.

That being said, I’ve only been here for a little over two years now.

As many of you well know, and I say this because I write primarily regarding the activities of county council and my published articles reflect that, my experience is with these fine gentlemen.

However, I’ve never lived in an area where anyone has been elected by acclamation.

Kudos are in order to Doug Drozd, Marvin Schatz, Dennis Nanninga, Ron Kleinfeldt and Darrell Troock for having done a job their ratepayers have found little fault in.

Sure, there have been issues raised and contentious moments, but all-in-all, these are the people who have served and will continue to serve as your representatives, those who will answer your questions and hear your concerns.

As for Bill Lane, it seems a little more work is required to prove to his constituents that he is indeed, still the man for the job.

As of press time, I haven’t had the opportunity to meet with his challenger, Ron Barton but I certainly look forward to it.

After all, he may be my councillor after Oct. 16 and I can’t vote for someone I don’t know anything about.

And then there is Bill Lee.

As I’ve said previously, I’ve only been here for a little over two years and I caught only the tail end of the pool issue and the issue of amalgamation.

I understand the latter is one of the primary reasons that led to his decision to step down as the reeve and to not seek re-election.

At this point in my life, I’m no-where near being qualified to wade into the arena that is municipal politics so I can only imagine the stress that is part of the job.

However, in the short time I’ve known Bill, I’ve had the opportunity to share many jokes and stories with respect to my budding interest in hobby farming and sheep.

I’ll miss you at council Bill but thanks for the good times and great conversation.

Good luck in your future endeavours and don’t be a stranger.

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