All Canadian citizens should matter

Dear Editor,

How is it, that our own prime minister can decide who is worthy and who is not? Is not the job of the Prime Minister to care for the whole country and all its citizens? First we have the immigration of so many terrorist and ISIS groups, then we have the increase in taxes to the middle class people as well as more taxes to family members that inherit the business while an outside the family buyer gets a tax break, next comes the fact that both the Prime Minister and his finance minister are under investigation due to hiding money or making a profit and helping the rich. Carbon Taxes are killing businesses. Oh, there is so much more. Have you all heard the latest? Here is the latest move from our Prime Minister.

In a story from Global News by Amanda Connolly, published on Dec. 15, in a PowerPoint presentation created to brief MPs on changes to the Canadian Summer Jobs program stated:

“Both the job and the organization’s core mandate respect individual human rights in Canada, including the values underlying the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as well as other rights. These include reproductive rights and the right to be free from discrimination on the basis of sex, religion, race, national or ethnic origin, colour, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression.”

How it this caring for all Canadian citizens? Just because we do not agree with each other should not cause the opposed to be penalized for this disagreement. I don’t agree with the fact that just because these businesses support pro-life should be denied government summer job funding. It is a business that is helping students find work and supporting their career. Who the business supports does not affect that job the student is doing. It is time we take a stand and send the Prime Minister a letter just stated that. We need to get our Canada back.

Jacqueline Hamoen


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