And a Merry Christmas to you too, dear reader

Well Barrhead, there’s only a few more days until Christmas.

Last month, we celebrated the birth of our town and next week, we’ll celebrate the birth of our Lord.

It seems like only yesterday that the skies were blue and rodeo season was just beginning.

Where did the time go? I can’t say I lost it in the never-ending lines at stores during my Christmas shopping — most of the people I have to buy for aren’t even in this province and in all likelihood it will be mid-2018 before I see them again.

I’m willing to bet it had something to do with the completion of the Barrhead Regional Aquatics Centre, Canada’s 150th celebrations I attended in Neerlandia, the climax of the municipal arbitration process between the town and the county and of course, Barrhead’s own 90th birthday and the Barrhead Leader’s 90th.

It has been an eventful year, make no mistake, but it is one I’m glad is over.

I know the warm sunny weather will come again.

I know that as surely as I know the canola will bloom and the sun will rise.

The problem is getting there before succumbing to the winter blues.

Thankfully, there are places to go this Christmas that ensure a person like me doesn’t find themselves alone and for that, I’m grateful.

Take the Christmas dinner being held at the Barrhead Canadian Reformed Church at 1 p.m. on Dec. 25.

Before I heard about it, my Christmas dinner was going to be a TV dinner while I watched reruns of old shows and maybe a speaker-phone conversation with my family in Ontario.

It’s bad enough not having someone in your life around the holidays.

It’s quite another to be without family or friends too.

So do yourself a favour and come out to the church for dinner if you have nothing else to do.

There’s a good chance at least one other person will be there.

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