Calling Lake’s potential lies ‘untapped’

As a long-time (and now retired) resident of the Calling Lake community it was my privilege to attend the September 15 community meeting hosted by the Athabasca RCMP. I’ve had a chance to reflect on the gathering and in summary I’d like to make the following observations and points.
1. First, I would like to commend the RCMP and our local staff Sergeant for taking the initiative to host this meeting. It was apparent that there was significant community interest in the topic at hand. The RCMP conducted the meeting well. They brought in numerous provincial resources and their dedication and commitment to serving our communities needs was evident. Thank you!
2. What became abundantly apparent to me during the question and answer period is that the needs of the Calling Lake community are much broader than the mandate given to the RCMP. Simply, their job is to maintain law and order and in this they are doing good work. When it comes to issues of community development, employment, poverty, social and mental health services – other community and leadership shoulders need to be put to the wheel. Calling Lake is a beautiful community – its potential lies untapped and needs to be developed.
3. As a starting point –
• I would suggest that our Municipal Council, together with the Bigstone Council, initiate a joint and independent Community Needs Assessment. Simply – what services are presently available in the community and what services need to be added or strengthened? This needs assessment could be guided by a joint community task force.
• Following the needs assessment – strategic and operational planning needs to occur to identify immediate and long term priorities and to marshal the resources and funding to address these priorities. The Bigstone Band needs to be part of the planning and resourcing process.
• And thirdly, once initiatives have been introduced to address community issues, they need to be monitored and evaluated to ensure they have a positive impact. Evaluation data can then be used to improve or enhance the initiative.
In conclusion, Calling Lake is a jewel situated at the confluence of prime agricultural land and the boreal forest. It has one of the more scenic lakes in Alberta. Its potential lies untapped. As a result many community issues and needs have become apparent. While the RCMP has and is doing its part – the challenge is a bigger community challenge. It is time for leadership – time for our Municipal council and Bigstone council to begin serious and meaningful discussions and planning to together meet the needs of the Calling Lake Community. While the challenge is difficult – doing nothing is worse.
Sig Schmold
Calling Lake, AB
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