Cancer Awareness

So April is Cancer awareness month. “The more we know, the healthier we’ll be,” and if that is the case, the future is bleak indeed because the level of ignorance is off the scale.

Before I start, let me make myself very clear: I am not a Medical Doctor and am in no way giving medical advice. However, I am not stupid and I have read extensively on this subject. I would like to alert the readers of this newspaper to a different perspective on this crucial topic. Opinions on alternative cancer treatments are a bit of a “hot potato” for many newspapers, so if this is published, this paper should be commended in this age of widespread censorship, for allowing an alternative viewpoint.

The only ‘approved treatments’ (not cures) for cancer are: surgery, radiation and chemo-therapy. Not only are they embarrassingly ineffective but they put the poor patients through hell and cost the taxpayers an absolute fortune. Over the past 100 years or so, numerous treatments have been introduced by brave pioneers who have had amazing results and all of them have been systematically harassed and driven out of business. Thousands of terminally ill cancer patients appear to have been cured without being cut, burned or poisoned and yet most people are totally unaware that this ever happened.

The chances of contracting cancer used to be one in thousands but now it is about one in three and getting worse all the time. We all owe it to ourselves to understand this disease. Most doctors only know what they have been taught and know nothing about the alternative treatments that were suppressed. Look into it. Spend a bit of time and money. Everyone should know about the people who appear to have cured thousands and were punished for their efforts. Why were they punished? Was it just to save the profits of the drug companies? Did those people really get cured?  The medical establishment and the government agencies protect the interests of the powerful pharmaceutical industry. They will deny that anyone was cured by these people and tell you that there are no cures.  There are laws in place to stop anyone claiming that any of these treatments are cures. Check them out and see what you think?

All you have to do is go online and search for Harry Hoxsey, Renee Caisse, Royal Raymond Rife and Ty Bollinger. That will open up a treasure chest of information. Do as I suggest, and you really will know more and will indeed have a better chance of having a healthy future.

Edward Goodliffe

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