Centennial needs you

Now that the federal government has gotten behind Athabasca’s centennial celebration, don’t you think you should, too?

Last Friday’s announcement of a $32,200 federal grant towards the centennial celebration is welcome news to the organizing committee, as town councillor Paula Evans noted, because it means they can likely cross ‘fundraising’ off their to-do list. Coupled with the $50,000 allocated to the centennial by town council last year (which has barely been touched so far), the committee now has enough funds at hand that they can stage a celebration worthy of 100 years.

But as they say, money can’t buy happiness. Eighty-some thousand dollars can throw a real nice party, but what good is it if nobody comes?

What the centennial celebrations need more than anything is involvement; involvement from individuals, groups, organizations, neighbourhoods … anything at all that will add to the collaborative community celebration.

In addition to the hard work currently underway by the primary centennial committee, others in the community have found different niches to fill. Shirley Dubie is coordinating a historical recipe book. The Athabasca Rotary Club is selling commemorative bricks to create a permanent monument on the riverfront. Residents of 49th Street are planning a summer block party. And those are just a few examples.

It’s long been established that Athabasca’s residents are a highly involved bunch. Most of us belong to at least one committee, group or organization. And those who don’t certainly have family, friends and neighbours in the area.

As the excitement begins to build toward the centennial celebrations, think of ways that you and your circle of friends can become involved in celebrating our community’s 100th birthday. Your plans don’t have to be grandiose, but every little gesture will go a long way towards creating a celebration worthy of a century.

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