Disadvantages outweigh the benefits

Dear Editor,

Everyone waves a red flag when western separation is mentioned. We will be land locked and the disadvantages will outweigh the benefits. We need to put some serious thought into the truth surrounding these claims. If B.C. decides to land lock us, we can easily sea lock them. They will no longer have Canadian courts to protect their interests, so no pipeline, no oil or gas period. No passage to BC ports no passage to Eastern Canada. The ability to penalize us carries as much likelihood as a solar powered combine. Negotiation will be much easier without the interference from a central power that cannot differentiate a combine from a wellsite pump jack. Has the Agricultural Minister ever been west of Ottawa?  (Editor’s note:  she has) Quebec will no longer have reason to separate since they can no longer extort money from the West. But they will likely separate anyway! The central government will become the sole heir of their ridiculous spending and will eventually need a clean needle sight on Parliament Hill. The West must insist on solar powered trains in our mountains since they are far more pristine than anything in BC! If we wish to view CBC channels we will have to pay, but nobody will.

We will not honor any passports for politicians from Ottawa, but then some have never been here anyway. We will not pay our politicians as they can rely on bribes from firms closely tied to Ottawa. Unlike Ottawa, bribes will be taxed so all provincial taxes can be removed. The Prime Premier must be assisted by a person with a lengthy criminal record so they can play on a level playing field when dealing with Ottawa. Wilson- Raybould must be hired as an advisor since she appears to be the only one in Ottawa with integrity and she is extremely familiar with political idiocy. Her win was the only bright spot in a dismal election!

We will not censure media so eastern media can remain senseless. During a severe cold snap in Ontario a prominent news anchor claimed that “weather is not climate”. Later, after a tornado, they stated “this is further evidence of climate change”. These and many other contradictions should no longer be questioned by uneducated Westerners who are merely climate deniers. Please remember that in an expert analysis of scientific data the terms “likely caused” and “certainly caused” always carry the same meaning.

We should seriously consider introducing a legal system. Arrogance shall hereby be punished since it is clearly trademark infringement on the Liberal brand. We must also protect copyright laws unlike our current leadership who constantly assumes the role of the Peter Sellers character Chauncey the Gardner. Maybe we are now viewing the sequel and we won’t have to separate.

Gordon Mackay

Blue Ridge

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