Evil on a level not seen, nor acknowledged by the world since 1949

My mother says I am softhearted and I don’t disagree with her either.

I’ve always been the type of person who finds injured animals and nurses them back to health, finds the new kid in school and immediately befriends them, and empathizes with the suffering of others.

On Oct. 13, I met with several adherents to the spiritual practice of Falun Gong — a meditative practice that espouses truthfulness, compassion and tolerance, when they staged an impromptu protest to a horrific atrocity I’m willing to bet none of you knows about.

These people set up outside the Town of Barrhead building in the hopes of raising awareness to the ongoing systematic eradication and forced organ harvesting of Falun Gong practioners in China.

How is this relevant to Canada you ask?

I’m sure you know that our Prime Minister is actively seeking more and more trade deals with other countries and has cemented one with the current Communist Party General Secretary and President Xi Jinping.

While such deals are great for our own economy, did you know that the Chinese government has institutionalized what amounts to murder in the range of thousands of these Falun Gong practicioners per year?

The reason for this is because organ-trafficking, with respect to the black market and organ tourism (where people who require a transplant visit other countries in the hopes of side-stepping a wait-list), is an incredibly lucrative trade.

For example, a cornea transplant costs $30,000 and a kidney costs $62,000.

The Falun Gong adherents who visited our community claimed more than 700 hospitals in China participate in this ghoulish behaviour.

Understandably I was shocked and dismayed, but because of my profession I had to ask for proof because I get paid to remain skeptical.

I would urge you to look into the matter yourselves, to visit websites like organharvestinginvestigation.net and www.faluninfo.net, and if you find yourself as dismayed and sickened as I am, sign the petition at endorganpillaging.org in an effort to urge our own government to impose further sanctions on the Communist regime.

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