Fort student questions school closure

Dear Editor,

I am currently a Grade 12 student at Fort Assiniboine School and have been a part of the process regarding the Grade 10-12 program in our school for the last three years. I have a problem with the statement Doug Fleming made in the April 19 paper. He said, “we need to be working not only with the government but with our County leaders to ensure we have quality education.” To my knowledge Woodlands County stepped up to the plate and offered their help to keep the Grade 10-12 program open in September 2011. PHRD administration countered and wanted a firm commitment of $960,000 over three years. Now you call that working together?

I believe that if PHRD had the best interest of the students at heart they would have chose to work with Woodlands County to come up with a solution that both parties could live with for the good of the students.

Jacqueline Ralston

Fort Assiniboine

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