Giving back

Part of what makes a community great is the people and organizations that operate within it.

Westlock is fortunate. We have all sorts of clubs, groups, associations, museums, teams and leagues that provide recreation and activities.

For the youngest residents, right up to the very oldest, there’s something for everyone.

They all do great things, but another characteristic they share is that they all cost money to operate, and those dollars can be hard to come by. It’s especially prevalent now as municipal budgets tighten and the economy continues to tank.

But organizations like the Westlock Elks Lodge are key to allowing them to continue to operate through regular contributions, including through their bingo fund.

Last week, 11 groups and organizations including R.F. Staples travel club, Pembina North Community School, Gators Swim Club, Westlock Tae Kwon Do, Eleanor Hall School, Pembina Ringette Association, Westlock and District Food Bank, Westlock and District Refugee Settlement Association and St. Mary’s playground fund received a combined $22,700. And that’s just a piece of the Elks’ annual community contributions, which hover around $60,000 annually.

Aside form the volunteers, each week dedicated residents faithfully turn up at Memorial Hall for Monday night bingo. It’s their participation that ensures more money is raised, that is all turned back to the community by way of community donations.

With that money, the Tae Kwon Do Club was able to buy new mats, Clyde’s Eleanor Hall School’s Grade 6-8 volleyball team got new uniforms, and the food bank will be able to continue to operate.

And it’s not just the Elks that do good work.

The Westlock Rotary Club also is a key contributor to the same groups and organizations and helps ensure organizations stay afloat. As well the Town of Westlock and Westlock County budget money each year to turn back to community organizations that meet their criteria, in addition to other budgetary contributions.

At the end of the day, we’re all working towards a common goal of seeing the community succeed.

Without the groups and organizations that provide the services and the ones that work hard to fundraise and selflessly dedicate time and resources back, we wouldn’t be the community that we are.

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