How to balance the budget

Dear Editor,

Our concerns about the economy have been increased during the election, especially after listening to all the promises made by certain candidates for various, expensive programs like the CBC, Planned Parenthood, government daycare, and the arts. It is our belief that we have such a huge deficit/debt because our governments are involved in areas of society to which they should not have jurisdiction. Our society has become accustomed to being maintained or taken care of from cradle to grave by the government. Of course, this maintenance must be paid for through continually higher taxes.

If our governments would restrict themselves to their God-given mandates of justice, protection and some basic infrastructure, and leave most everything else to the generally more efficient private sector, as well as the church and the family, then the debt would be reduced, taxation would be minimized and each citizen would be able to spend their money as they see fit.

If a government is given too much authority over the lives of its citizens, it will also assume responsibility for determining their needs. God warned through the prophet Samuel what could happen if a king (or government) did not exercise restraint (I Samuel 8). We believe that the citizens should be more responsible for their own lives and wellbeing; thereby, reducing the need for big government.

The changes we are suggesting could not be implemented overnight, but the citizens of our country need to realize the distinction of their God-given responsibilities and those of the government.

Peter and Margaret VanAssen


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