LETTERS: Equality for all, not special status for one group

To the Editor:

I have a couple of questions. First of all, why did Pride get a special crosswalk? Why aren’t there crosswalks representing groups of people who are beneficial to the community as a whole, such as doctors, nurses, police etc.? What about seniors, disabled, indigenous? The list goes on and on. And, here’s one: the veterans – yes, Mr. Snell, poppies!

If any one group deserves recognition with a special crosswalk, it is the veterans. If they had not put their lives on hold (and often lost their lives) we would not have the freedoms we do – e.g. to be gay, lesbian, trans etc. There are countries in the world where these people would be killed!

Pride having a special crosswalk gives them special status and has nothing to do with equality. Heaven forbid if any of the rest of us voice a complaint! We are called hatemongers and much worse!

There have been lots of hateful, even threatening, comments to the neutrality groups and especially to Stephanie Bakker since the plebiscite. I fear for Stephanie’s safety. And we are the bad guys? Not even close?

I would not have a problem with a Pride crosswalk if other groups also have one. If only one group were to be allowed to have one, that group has to be the veterans – no ifs, buts or maybes! This crosswalk has to be by the Legion where is belongs.

I take offence with the mayor taking sides – in my violation, this is a definite violation of the code of ethics! Since I do not trust most of the powers that be, if they tell me I should vote “no”, guess which way I’ll vote – yes, I voted yes!

It is time for equality for all, not special status for one group.

Carrie Kushneryk, Westlock

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