MDP and LUB bylaws

In regards to the article in the Tuesday November 1st 2016 edition of the Advocate titled Late Response, I have a few comments.

A reason so many turned up at the public hearing was to be there in person and to let Council know that we are concerned with these changes.

There is a feeling by residents that the issues raised through the open houses, letters, emails and other means, are being ignored by Council and changes not being incorporated into the bylaws.

On the issue of dumping raw sewage, the article states that the Temporary Camping Bylaw was crafted to assuage this. Please tell me how this bylaw does so? The county has no means to enforce this bylaw. The county bylaw officers have no right to be on private property.

Why do I need to register visitors to my land with RV’s with the County? Why would anyone let the County place these restrictions on a landowners rights? The County can now dictate that you can have visitors for 8 days maximum up to four times a year with a 72 hour break between the issuance of their certificate.

Did I mention this in no way deters anyone from dumping sewage?

Sewage disposal of any kind is regulated by Alberta Environment. There are plenty of laws already in place and means of enforcement.

Let’s talk about the many abandoned well and lease sites in the County. Where is the compliance and enforcement with those sites? That is a fight bigger than the County has the courage to take on, so let’s stick it to our taxpayers!

And why would a person require a development permit to place a RV on a property? The RV is self contained and can be moved if needed.

It’s because the County can then issue conditions on the permit and you have now given them the authority to follow up on those conditions.

Now this requires a sewage system installed at a cost of many thousands of dollars. (and another permit to install the septic system).

Under the new bylaw the county will collect revenue from the permits. They have since changed the wording to camper registration (free) but make no mistake, this will changed to a paid system once the bylaw is passed. Or there will be conditions applied that will ensure some type of permit must be drawn. Now the county has a means to collect fees from every camper on every property in the land.

I can’t help but feel there is a hidden agenda behind this change.

Has the County failed some type of audit and are now making these changes in order to appease a higher level of government?

Dan Boyko

Athabasca County, Alberta

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