Name calling seems to be the order of the day, says reader

Dear Sir,

I would like to express my appreciation to Roger Manuel for taking the time to write a letter for the readers of the Barrhead Leader to read.  There are two ways in which Mr. Manuel inadvertently helps me, by proving my point. Firstly, he ends his letter by requesting the editor of the Leader to, “please stop publishing and promoting homophobic letters.” If, according to Mr. Manuel, my letter is homophobic, what does that make me in his opinion? Obviously, according to him, I am a homophobe. By his statement Mr. Manuel exactly helps me make my point; namely, that of name-calling. I suggested that, rather than calling people names if we don’t agree with their stance on an issue, perhaps, we should, “enter into intelligent and respectful debate and discussion about the issues and problems Albertans face.” That just doesn’t seem to be possible in today’s society anymore. Name-calling seems to be the order of the day by the so-called progressives, and it is in that vane that Mr. Manuel ends his letter.

The second way in which Mr. Manuel helps prove my point, is by his request that the Barrhead Leader not publish letters of people who don’t hold the same opinions as he does. In my letter I have asked our premier to stop marginalizing people who don’t agree with her opinions, and to stop forcing her opinions on Albertans.  In his letter Mr. Manuel wants to do exactly the same thing as our premier. He wants people who don’t agree with his position to shut-up, and to be shut-up. Basically his position is that no intelligent discussion should be held, but rather, anyone with a view that doesn’t coincide with his has to be shut down.

In his book, Animal Farm, George Orwell already spoke of this kind of behaviour many years ago, when his character, Napoleon, having gained total control makes a new commandment which states, “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.” One of the great principals of our free and democratic society has always been freedom of thought and freedom of speech. We can even find that in our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (which, by the way supersedes the Alberta Human Rights Act – both in time and stature).  Sadly, in our society that foundational position seems no longer to be in place in Canada, and Mr. Manuel reflects that very well when he states, “Not all opinions are equal and neither do they always qualify for publication.”  It’s true that not all opinions are equal, but my question is, what makes his opinion more equal than others, and on what basis are his ideas of equality determined?

Mr. Manuel uses sarcasm in a weak attempt to show how, “condescending” I am towards homosexual people I know.  Once again Mr. Manuel is wrong. I am not condescending to homosexual people by speaking to them with kindness and dignity. My kindness is not reserved for them in a condescending manner. No, I try to speak kindly and with dignity to everyone as much as I can because they are fellow human beings. I try to speak to all other people kindly and with dignity, because absolutely every person is a fellow human being and is created in the image of God. That’s why everyone is worthy of such dignity and respect whether we agree with their views and actions, or not.  It is my hope that Mr. Manuel, and every other Canadian, also those on the so-called progressive left, can do this towards those who don’t see eye-to-eye with them. Please remember Mr. Manuel, we are fellow human beings, and fellow Canadians. That’s what our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, even if it’s not upheld by our governments and judiciary, states.

Thank you to the Barrhead Leader recognizing these principles, and for its willingness to allow a respectful debate and exchange of views.

Henry Stel

Barrhead, AB

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