Prepare for the drug crisis

I cannot believe our government is legalizing something as vile and destructive as alcohol.

It boggles the mind our government would decide to normalize a substance that causes as much societal ill as alcohol. Impaired driving, health consequences, the chaos this drug can reap on families — how can our government be willing to make alcohol legal? Undoubtedly, legalizing this drug will only cause more death, as it already does with drunk driving.

Won't someone please think of the children? To think that legalization will protect children from alcohol is ludicrous. Young people are not going to accept age restrictions. Our culture already seems to accept underage drinking as a right of passage and that will be only worsen with legalization. We have to have stronger enforcement and ensure our children are not getting their hands on this disgusting substance.

So what if prohibition has not worked to stop people from using alcohol? Is Canada a bunch of quitters? Surely, if we invest more time, resources, and energy into our war to get this drug off our streets, we can keep our country clean of alcohol. It will undoubtedly be worth it to save lives and protect children. History will prove me right if we try to.

I refuse to accept this government legislation. I will continue to fight the devil's brew with all the passion I can muster. I hope people will do what's right and join me.

Now, if you excuse me, I think I will go out to the weed bar with some friends and try to forget about how upset this is making me.

For precautionary reasons, I will say all of the above is sarcastic.

I do not actually begrudge anyone for drinking alcohol, though I myself do not. Ditto marijuana. Like most things, both are fine in moderation.

I do begrudge people who are going to fight about legalized marijuana without going after alcohol with an equal amount of fervour. Same for cigarettes. In reality, marijuana is no worse than these drugs and probably claims far less lives per year.

We long ago came to an understanding that banning alcohol or cigarettes would not work to stop their consumption. It is simply absurd how long it took us to come to that understanding with marijuana.

Marijuana's criminalization has always been a matter of questionable social norms, not sensible facts. If you want to keep fighting on that hill, I hope you do not plan to do so with a flask at your hip.

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