Reader believes PHPS using wrong data

Dear Editor,

Re: PHPS staff learns about tools to support LGBTQ students (Barrhead Leader Sept. 6, 2016)

In the article Ms Berg is quoted saying that the 10 percent statistic for LGBTQ students “is really quite low” because the Egale Canada Human Rights Trust survey poll recorded “26 per cent identify as LGBTQ or questioning and three per cent as trans-identified.”

The 10 per cent has been quoted since the early 1950s because of the Kinsey Report. This report has been discredited long ago. Alfred Kinsey was found not to be the dispassionate scientist seeking the truth, rather he was an agenda driven reformer bent on changing sexual ethics. But perpetuating the lie serves the purpose well if one has an agenda that can be advanced with the misinformation. Why is Alberta Education in that camp?

To give credibility to Egale (Equality for Gay And Lesbians Everywhere) Canada Human Rights Trust survey is indeed the height of folly. Can an organization with such an aggressive sexual perverted agenda be trusted to produce a survey without seeking to push forward their agenda?

The Alberta Teachers Association and Pembina Hills Public Schools would do well to study How to Lie With Statistics by Darrell Huff and ask some pertinent questions with respect to the data presented at their PD day.

Please do not get me wrong, there are indeed students that struggle with sexual identity and they should have respect as a fellow human being, but that person needs help, not validation for their confused identity.

It grieves me to see how EGALE and others struggling (or not) have succeeded in being able to manipulate both the government and the education system in furthering a perverted agenda that is very detrimental to a stable and healthy society.

Respectfully submitted,

C. Sya Strydhorst


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