Reader says federal government doesn’t understand the West’s concerns

Contrary to the Eastern Media and political so-called experts Western unrest is not all about oil or pipelines. Our agricultural industry and federal government agencies including our court system, are in chaos. Our youth are dying from overdose, since all they see is a bleak future with few job opportunities while facing a predicted climate catastrophe. They see an Eastern media with their obvious bias, so they turn to the internet for a deceitful ultra-left or ultra-right summary of local and global events. Clean needle sites for an illegal activity may work, or simply prolong the agony, but, they tell our youth that no matter how destructive and illegal an action, it is simply OK.

Value added industry expansion is impossible with current taxation and equalization payments. For the same pathetic reason, we are handcuffed from industry diversification while having the best educated most energetic workforce in Canada.

Contrary to liberal ideology we are not a bunch of bigoted, arrogant, greedy, uneducated capitalists. We are a group of people who respect any individual who contributes to moving us forward — period.

Has Toronto ever seen their beloved Leafs with a genuinely admired black captain, their national anthem singer a very talented Asian, their mayor a re-elected Muslim, their Premier an excellent female leader whose party unfortunately aligned her to closely with a dysfunctional federal government and gross over regulation?

Premier Lougheed, one of Canada’s finest Premiers ever, had an Indigenous heritage. The West selects the best without consideration for political correctness or equal opportunity appointments.

We do not support blond haired blue-eyed ill-informed kids who vehemently condemn us. This individual unwittingly represented a country whose politicians knew of a holocaust in progress while still supporting a vicious Nazi regime using their extremely profitable resources. Now they flaunt their socialist success as if they earned it. Are they now looking forward to funding from carbon credits?

We are constantly reminded that we must become more educated regarding climate change, yet we look beyond and see a contradictory, myopic media and a dysfunctional, corrupt political system.

Vive La Prairie!

Gordon Mackay

Blue Ridge

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