Reader takes aim at Bill 24 and gay-straight-alliances

Dear Editor,

I want to thank Kevin Berger for his two columns engaging with the issue of Alberta Education’s attempt to force all Albertan schools to have GSA policies compliant with the government’s ideology (Nov. 20 and Dec. 4 Barrhead Leader). 

It appears the more Mr. Berger is informed on the issue, the more his perspective is changing. I am glad about that. It takes courage to admit one’s mistakes openly and be willing to change one’s mindset, and so I commend Mr. Berger for laying aside his earlier preconceived notions. I also commend him for covering this issue.

This stands out from much of the mainstream media, which apart from a few exceptions such as Licia Corbella of the Calgary Herald, has disappointed in giving adequate and accurate attention to this issue, considering the fact that our provincial government finds itself in court because it is violating the Charter rights and freedoms of Albertan citizens. It is a mystery why the alarm bells are not ringing, and yet one hears hardly a whisper.

Mr. Berger titled his second column “Render Unto Caesar” and Christians will readily concur with that statement, since it comes directly from the Lord Jesus Christ himself. However, an astute reader will note that the full quotation is as follows: “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s” (Mk. 12:17). I know it is difficult to fit all that into a title, but therein lies the predicament. What is one do when Caesar’s demands conflict with God’s? 

Certainly Christians are called to honour and submit to the authorities (1 Pet. 2:13-14; Romans 13:1-7), pray for them (1 Tim. 2:1-4), live quiet and peaceable lives (1 Tim. 2:2; Romans 13:18), pay taxes (Mark 12:17; Romans 13:6-7), and are never excused to revolt or act in hostility towards the government even when treated unjustly (Romans 12:17). The great majority of Christians I know live like that. By the way, these biblical commands were given when Christians were living through a time of severe persecution leveled against them under the Roman Emperor Nero.

Nevertheless, when obedience to the edicts of government requires disobedience to the Lord or his will, then Christians must obey the word of the Lord (Acts 5:29). 

As that relates to today, the key question surrounding Bill 24 is: who has the safest and most caring policies for kids who feel disturbed or disenfranchised? The Education Minister thinks he does, but the statistics do not lie.

In addition, one should recognize that Bill 24’s secrecy provisions, which prohibit parental notification, create an opening for predatory individuals to prey on children because this legislation separates them from their parents’ oversight. Even the potential for any abuse to happen should cause the Education Minister and GSA supporters to rethink their stance.

Mr. Berger asks, if 200 private and independent schools have “bowed the knee” to the Minister of Education’s orders, why won’t the 28 non-compliant schools just jump on board? The question could be flipped around by asking why have so many schools capitulated under the Minister’s strong-arm tactics if they had carefully considered the harmful effects this legislation can have, will have, and is having on children as young as five who attend GSAs outside the parameters of their loving parents’ ability to monitor?

And since when did “strong-arm tactics” become permissible practice? If the government has free rein to trample on religious freedoms in such a way, then certainly all freedoms are at risk of being trampled, even the freedoms of the non-religious. Nobody wants that. Therefore, we should all be thankful for religious freedom and pray it is maintained in this great country.

Finally, Mr. Berger closes his Dec. 4 column by pitting one Christian school against another. This seems overly-simplistic and I will leave it to others to explain the reasons for the divergence. However, what is clear is that there are concerned parents spread across the spectrum in this province, whether they belong to private or public school systems.

The negative impacts of Bill 24 are increasingly coming to light, parents are waking up and realizing that the government has robbed them of their fundamental rights. The 28 schools, their school boards, and their legal representatives deserve nothing less than our praise, appreciation, and encouragement for their unwillingness to cave.

Rev. Calvin Vanderlinde, Pastor

Barrhead Canadian Reformed Church

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