Reader upset over fishing regulation changes

Dear Editor,

I am writing in regards to your article on Dolberg Lake.

The Edmonton based Northern Lights Fly Fishing Club are planning on closing a well-used family lake to the public. This is a quiet place where boats have small motors and people can take their children and grandchildren to learn the joys of fishing. Northern Lights Fly Fishing Club are trying to take that right away from them, by restricting fishing and having a fun day and even camp.

(Editor’s note: the writer is referring to the club’s request to have the fishing regulation changed at the lake. Earlier this spring Alberta Environment and Parks changed the fishing regulations to non-bait and a retention limit of one fish 50 centimetres or over.)

I guess if you have big bucks you can do whatever you want. I suppose they’ll want the road upgraded or even paved right to the lakes edge. What next, a great big lodge so they can sip their beers in an air conditioned room.

What happened to getting back to nature and small pleasures to enjoy by all the people?

Leave us local areas that are relatively untouched.

Douglas Kuhn

Tiger Lily

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