Response to "Think first, talk later"

I have just read a letter to the editor re: Banning of certain dog breeds titled “Think first Talk later.”

I am assuming this letter was directed at me and it's sad, hurtful, and untrue that a person would think I am degrading Dr Smith.

Dr Smith has been my family doctor since I moved here 22 years ago and I have nothing but respect and admiration for him.

The only reason I made that comment AND I said the reason (in council and that did not make it into the paper) that I would not take my cat to Dr Smith was because he wrote a letter that I felt would have more validity coming from a veterinarian. Perhaps if I said my Dog instead of cat it would have been understood.

I feel so sorry that people can't pick up a phone and call a person and ask for clarification instead of publicly insulting them in a community paper or online when they don't know the whole conversation!

Rest assured Municipal Affairs was at this council meeting as well as the mayor and council. Had they not understand and thought for one second I was being disrespectful to a local Dr, I would have been jumped on instantly. Even the audience knew what I meant!

Joanne Peckham

Town of Athabasca councillor

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