The right to put your foot in your mouth

It’s a crazy world we live in, there’s no doubt about it in my mind.

I thought freedom of expression meant that we were free to express ourselves, literally.

Apparently, I was wrong.

I understand that our freedoms come with the condition that what we do is done in such a manner as to not cause physical harm to another person, does not infringe on their own personal rights and is not religiously disrespectful.

At least that’s how I understood it.

Personally, I think our society has become too PC for our own good.

These days, social media is no longer a way to connect with long-lost classmates and friends, its a microscope into your life that anyone including your boss can use against you should the climate provide the grounds to do so.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, none of them are our friends.

Case in point, ABC’s recent decision to cancel the Roseanne reboot because the comedian said something about someone on her personal twitter account.

While I certainly don’t agree with her word choice and I lost a little bit of respect for Barr because of it, her tweet about Valerie Jarrett infering that the former advisor to U.S. President Barak Obama was born as the result of a union between the Muslim Brotherhood and a Planet Of The Apes inhabitant was her choice.

It was tasteless and tactless, but at the end of the day, a person is still supposed to be free to express themselves ... although I believe people in the public arena ought to behave better than the rest of us.

They are our role models and leaders after all.

That being said, while I don’t think Barr should have made the comparison, it’s not like she called for a public lynching of Jarrett.

I grew up watching Roseanne and looked forward to the reboot, despite the fact that I had some reservations about a few of the characters.

We live in a PC world but I don’t think we need to be beaten over the head with things.

It’s a sad day in North America when a person’s got to be afraid of the words that come out of their mouth and yet our leader’s can have temper tantrums on the world’s stage.

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