
Unbelievable. Last price tag I read in the paper the pool was @ $15 million, and that was just the building with nothing in it. So we’re probably looking at $20 million, if not more. County Council goes behind closed doors, and comes out saying they will pay 60% cost of pool. At a probable cost of $20 million, that works out to $12 million from the County, and another $8 million from the Town.

I would suggest that maybe the 5 County Councillors and 3 Town Councillors that voted in favour of this cost maybe put a $1 million each into the pot for the project. All levels of government just keep spending the money, But there is just 1 taxpayer. New taxes coming up in the new year, what are those costs? A pool would be nice, but it is not necessary for survival of the town. What happens when there is no money left to tax? At the very least, the County and Town need to have a referendum on this pool, to see if the taxpayers actually want it. Get a cost, let the taxpayer know how much taxes will rise to cover this cost, then ask them if they support it. 8 people should not be making this decision, especially a town council that is as dysfunctional as the current one.

Howard Wilkie

Athabasca, AB

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