What has happened to communication?

Dear Editor,

Why are there so many people walking around seemingly talking to themselves?

How do people have so many friends that are interested in hearing about what they ate for breakfast, what they are doing, what happened to whom, etc. Who Cares?

Go to a movie, where lineups of young couple are holding hands and talking to somebody else on the phone!

Dinner at a restaurant and people with companions opposite them and they are phoning someone else.

What about looking into someone’s eyes? What about body language?

Go to a doctor’s office and everyone in the waiting room is busy on their phone.

What’s the matter with me? I don’t know anyone who would be interested in talking to me all day. Unless I have a reason to touch base or ask about a friends’ health, I don’t phone anyone.

I don’t even own a cell phone. I probably couldn’t figure one out.

When I go for a walk, my dog and I react to people we pass. She barks, I say “hello, nice day,” we smile.

Am I missing something?

Mona Baker

Formerly of Barrhead, but now Airdrie

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