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Pakistani finance minister sees gradual recovery from floods

Pakistani finance minister sees gradual recovery from floods

WASHINGTON (AP) — Pakistan’s new finance minister estimated that it could take “close to three years’’ for the south Asian country to recover from devastating floods that killed more than 1,700 people and displaced another 7.9 million.
At debate, Walker denies past support for US abortion ban

At debate, Walker denies past support for US abortion ban

Los Angeles mystery: Who taped meeting with racist rants?

Los Angeles mystery: Who taped meeting with racist rants?

LOS ANGELES (AP) — An anonymously leaked recording of crude, racist remarks and political scheming that led to the resignation of the Los Angeles City Council president and a powerful labor leader left behind a mystery: Who made the tape, and why? Th
Ben Stevens, former Alaska Senate president, dies at age 63

Ben Stevens, former Alaska Senate president, dies at age 63

JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — Ben Stevens, a former Alaska Senate president and a son of the late U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens, has died. He was 63.
Wisconsin Gov. Evers, Michels display differences in debate

Wisconsin Gov. Evers, Michels display differences in debate

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers tried to cast his Republican challenger Tim Michels as a radical in a Friday debate, while Michels argued that Evers has failed the state and doesn't deserve a second term.

Guest lineups for the Sunday news shows

WASHINGTON (AP) — ABC’s “This Week” — Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg; Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill.; Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. __ NBC’s “Meet the Press” — Sen.

Florida spent almost $1 million for two more migrant flights


Manitoba's Opposition New Democrats to discuss policy with an election on the horizon

WINNIPEG — Manitoba's Opposition New Democrats are gathering this weekend in Winnipeg with the party riding high in opinion polls and an election one year away.

Sen. Leahy out of hospital, plans to return to Vermont

MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy was discharged from the hospital Friday and planned to return to Vermont Saturday for a full schedule of planned events, his office said.
Tech companies want Alta. premier to wade into battle over 'software engineer' title

Tech companies want Alta. premier to wade into battle over 'software engineer' title

Canadian tech companies are calling on the new premier of Alberta to intervene after a regulatory group tooklegal action over job titles such as “software engineer.
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