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Athabasca News

New deal for teachers

New deal for teachers

Aspen View School Division superintendent Brian LeMessurier applauded Fridayís news that the Alberta government and the Alberta Teachersí Association have struck a deal for four years of labour peace.
Town must seize Wabasca opportunity: Hawryluk

Town must seize Wabasca opportunity: Hawryluk

Athabasca town councillor George Hawryluk is on a mission to seize the opportunity presented by Wabascaís expansion. ìWe have to become more visible, we have to be open minded to welcome other people and businesses into the community,î Hawryluk said.
Moody Blues

Moody Blues

Amelia Curran played at the Nancy Appleby last Thursday night as a special show for the Heartwood Folk Club. The popular musician kept the crowd engaged in the stories she told in between songs.
Jeff Johnson sheds light on 2013-14 provincial budget

Jeff Johnson sheds light on 2013-14 provincial budget

The Alberta Governmentís 2013 budget includes a $6.1 billion increase in education spending, but local MLA and Minister of Education Jeff Johnson says that could be offset by growing demands on classroom space.
Provincial budget impacts town, university

Provincial budget impacts town, university

Town of Athabasca residents will see a tax increase of at least two per cent due to an increase in the education levy collected through property taxes. This was revealed after the provincial budget was unveiled last Thursday.
Wabasca growth good for town

Wabasca growth good for town

The Town of Athabasca is in a unique position to capitalize on the growth in Wabasca. Athabasca town councillor George Hawryuk brought his thoughts on the opportunity to council last week.
Wide Load

Wide Load

A gigantic container was transported from Edmonton to Fort McMurray over the course of several days last week, passing through Boyle on Thursday. The container dwarfed other traffic on the road, and did most of its travelling overnight. It weighed as much as 290 pickup trucks and was nearly twice the length of an Olympic-sized pool according to Alberta Transportation.
TransCanada presents pipeline project to County

TransCanada presents pipeline project to County

Athabasca County Council got an update on TransCanadaís proposed Grand Rapids Pipeline Project straight from the project manager last week.
RCMP joining Sheriffs in former Boyle Village office

RCMP joining Sheriffs in former Boyle Village office

The village of Boyle has moved out, the Sheriffs are moving up and the RCMP will be moving in. Those are the general logistics of the changes being made at the old village office, since the municipality officially moved out on Feb.
AU president to retire early

AU president to retire early

Athabasca University president Frits Pannekoek has announced his early exit from the university. Pannekoek announced in a memo last week that he would be retiring before his contract is up in 2015.
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